Friday, January 13, 2012

Survivor Writing Excercise

Survivor! (Any Age)

Reality TV shows have contestants stranded on a desert island. What if it happened to you? You are on a cruise and you’ve packed a bunch of stuff. Suddenly, the captain tells you that you are on a reality TV show and must abandon ship! However, you are allowed to bring three items with you. They must fit in your backpack. Remember, there’s no electricity on the island so TVs and Game Cubes are useless!
What would you bring?
My first item would be:
This would be useful in case:
My second item would be:
This would be useful in case:
My third item would be:
This would be useful in case:
Who would you want with you?
Is there anyone you would want to be stuck with?
Who wouldn’t you want to be with?

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